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10 of the Funniest & Most Relatable Christian Memes on Instagram

Every once in a while, Christians need to let their hair down and have a chuckle or two. Luckily, God gifted some of His people with a sense of humor we all can appreciate. Here are 10 of the funniest and most relatable Christian Memes on Instagram. 1. Reckless Love? 2. Me? I'm not trying to be salty 3. Speaking of salty..... 4. Come on man, nobody's purr-fect  5. Because prayer meeting, women's ministry and Bible study ain't enough,right?!! 6. Jesus? Who that? 7. Sorry bro, it's a Sister in Christ 8. Y'all Christians better 'watch y'all profaaanityh' 9. Will it ever stop being ' too soon '? 10. Despite my challenges in life.... Follow these amazing pages on Instagram 😂✝ Visit our website:

Top 5 Qualities of Good Friends

Ben Franklin once said   "A true friend is the best possession." However, do you stop for a few moments and think about the friendships you possess now? What's your friendship standards? What do you see in people that would make you want to know them personally. Although everyone is different, I've ruled out 5 of the most important qualities that you should look for in a friend. 1. They should share your ideals/ be respectable As the saying goes, 'show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are',y ou are who you spend most of your time with. It is without doubt that who we decide to 'chill' with has a direct effect on how we think, which leads to our behavior being either commendable or unacceptable. I know what you're thinking, "I am my own person. I decide who I want to be". But have you ever noticed that somethings you had specific views about in a friendship change after a few months? Or that you pick

How deep is your faith?

Faith is often defined as "complete trust or confidence in someone or something". It might not seem like it, but we often exercise our faith more than you think.  Let me give you some examples: we sit on chairs with the belief that they aren't going to break; we willingly eat at a restaurant trusting someone didn't poison our food and we trust that our cars actually turn on when we hop in them. Although these things seen insignificant, we often do not think twice in our daily routines. You just get that 'gut' feeling that everything is going to be alright. This is how God expects us to act with His promises.  My mind goes on the story of the 'woman with the issue of blood'.   She spent all she had on doctors who tried to make her feel well. But after 12 years of the condition, she couldn't take it anymore. The amazing thing about this story is that she only heard about Jesus, and decided if that she could only touch the hem of His garment

Prayer in the midst of despair

What do you do when your feeling hopeless? What do you do when you feel stuck? Sometimes we feel like we are going through things which we cannot bare. But God always provides a way out of our situations. What do you do when your feeling hopeless? What do you do when you feel stuck? Sometimes we feel like we are going through things which we cannot bare. But God always provides a way out of our situations. What do you do when your feeling hopeless? What do you do when you feel stuck? Sometimes we feel like we are going through things which we cannot bare. But God always provides a way out of our situations. I remember times where I felt like my life was going in circles. But God allowed His Holy Spirit to encourage and comfort me through His word. Sometimes God is waiting on us to realize that He will never leave us, and that He will be with us through our turmoil, and turn the situation around to give us power from it. I never said that it was easy, but again, there is al

He Lets Me Be ME!

Have you ever taken the time to just reflect on yourself as an individual? Running through your mind are questions like: why you do the things you do, or why you feel the way you feel. As bad as it may seem, this isn't necessarily the worst thing most of the time; sometimes we just need to soul search. But what happens when we allow these questions to prevent us from realizing our worth? More specifically, I want to address insecurities. It took me a while to accept who I am today. Not because I didn't like myself, but because- as a perfectionist- I always though I could have been better. This was the case with how I dressed, my academics, friendships et. cetera. There's nothing wrong with this, until we start to feel less of a person because we feel as though we are somehow inferior when we don't meet our set standards . But God was with me through my  development into adolescence. God mentions in HIs word that we shouldn't "Be anxious about anythi

Seven reasons why christians shouldn't worry

Matthew 6:25-34 explains seven reasons we shouldn't focus in our worries 1. The same God who created life in you can be trusted with the details of your life 2. Worrying about the future hampers your efforts of today 3. Worrying is more harmful than helpful 4. God doesn't ignore those who depend on Him. 5. Worrying shows a lack of faith in and understanding of God 6. Worrying keeps us from the real challenges God wants us to pursue 7. Living one day at a time keeps us from being consumed with worry Don't let worry take over your life, let God step in your life !! ✝✝ #daily428 Visit: @ for more.